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Thread: Migranti u tranzitu - sigurnosni izazovi

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    Izbjeglice uglavnom nemaju dokumenta zbog načina na koji su otišli iz matičnog staništa/države.
    Meni je u čitavoj priči interesantan jedan sociološki moment, a to je kako izbjeglice postadoše migranti. Dakle podsvjesno/ili svjesno je jasno da je riječ o migraciji (da sada ne ulazimo u uzrok) te da se ti ljudi neće vraćati.
    Uostalom da je pravilno migrant, a ne izbjeglica pokazalo je stanje na Balkanu (koliki je procenat povratnika?) gdje je zvanično završen ratni sukob, ali migracije i dalje postoje.

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    One Ring to Rule them all...

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    A ispod toga da bi radije pošao u Kanadu ako može... Kakva šala mala

    Ako mu je bolje tamo đe je bio, siguran sam sa će mu na šta država izaći u susret i vratiti ga na početno mjesto....

    U NK ih ima često oko autobuske stanice, onda ih ima uvjek na graničnom prelazu prema BiH. Hvataju ih graničari u grupama i vraću nazad.

    Poslato sa ultra moderne pisaće mašine Note X

    ............ Ż\_(ツ )_/Ż.............
    -> Forma za naručivanje online stvari <-

    Bugi Vugi tapši Raduj se!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dejan View Post
    Mojsije je pisao na pdf o putovanjima svoja iskustva sa Libancima. Procitajte o cemu se tu radi. Jasno je da svi ti ljudi sa bliskog istoka cijeli zivot provedu u bezakonju. Shithole countries, sto bi rekao Trump. Mozda je medju tim drzavama najuredjenija bila Sirija. A i tamo je leglo korupcije i bezakonja, nikakvog se reda ne zna, cijeli zivot ljudi zive u nekakvom strahu od tajne policije i nekako se snalaze. Eno prije neki dan u Egiptu kondukter uhvatio momka kako se vozi bez karte i nacerao ga da izadje iz voza u pokretu...momak poginuo pri iskakanju iz voza...

    A u Egiptu je mirno. Zamisli kako se ponasaju ljudi iz sjevera i istoka Sirije, posebno istoka, koji su cijeli zivot proveli u plemenskim zajednicama i pojam drzave i uredjenog sistema im ne moze biti dalji. Zamisli kako se ponasaju ljudi iz Iraka tek, Jemena. Ljudi koji ne poznaju red.

    Da smo drugi, obucili bi specijalnu jedinicu policije da ih prati u stopu dok su u tranzitu, dje bi svaki policajac morao znati sve nase zakone od tacke do tacke, i na najmanji prestup za usi i u pritvor.

    Meni je zao tih ljudi koji su pobjegli od rata, stvarno jeste, ali ako sam ih primio u kucu ili u dvoriste necu tolerisati bilo kakvo neprimjereno ponasanje. Ocekivacu ga, jer ti ljudi dolaze iz tih rupa, ali cu se pripremiti. Ne vidim sta je tu strasno.
    Đe će u pritvor...? Nemamo ni za ove naše mjesta...

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    Quote Originally Posted by technus View Post
    bas, bas je neuporediv egzodus sa Balkana 90-ih sa ovim danas. Balkanci su posle pada komunizma ponijeli svoje znaje, vecinom zanatsko i inzenjersko sa sobom u citav svijet, stara komunisticka skola je iznjedrila toliko kvalitetnih radnika da su svuda uspjelida se lako zaposle i integrisu. nzm samo kakvo znanje i napredak ovi divljacci mogu donijeti. umjeli su balkanci u izvjesnoj mjeri i da cine kriminalna djela kroz Evropu, al to je bilo cisto iz finansijskih razloga.
    ni ex-Yu ni albanski iseljenici se nisu dizali bombama i boli nozevima u ime vjere kao ovi sto probijaju kroz EU danas.
    Nadam se da se zajebavaš...

    Jesu li zbog tih sa znanjem izmišljani novi zakoni u mnogim EU zemljama...? Jesu li se ti sa znanjem ubijali kao životinje po Njemačkoj, Holandiji, Austriji (i dalje se ubijaju, svakih par dana iskoči po jedno ubistvo)...

    Jel zbog tih sa znanjem većina EU građana na Balkance gleda upravo kako ti gledaš na Sirijce...?

    U jednom si u pravu, mi se nijesmo ubijali radi vjere, već radi profita, zbog toga smo mnogo veći šljam od prosječnog Sirijca...

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    Hrvatska i Mađarska su pokazale kako se obračunava sa nelegalnom migracijom. Te njhove zemlje niti je uništila Evropa ni SAD već Izrael. To je sasvim jasno a isti taj Izrael ih i gura u Evropu i promoviše multi kulti društvo. A u Izraelu je zakonom zabranjeno da se jevrejin (hazar) vjenča sa nejevrejkom i obratno. Tolerancija na nivou. A ovi liberalni neka ih vode sebi kući i ukšte svoje potomstvo sa ovako divnim ljudima. Ne smije se više ništa reći da ti ne zalijepe na čelo desničar, rasista, fašista, antisemita i moja omiljena homofob. A neka, dobro je to.

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    Ne moze ovo ahhahahahaahahha
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    KOR traži ostavku Klice, Stankovića pozivaju da zaustavi ekokriminal na jezeru
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    Gando, da nisi malo masio temu?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf_White View Post

    Rece li najezda
    Nemojmo da spinujemo, ruzno je.
    reka sam da ih JA vidim MINIMUM 2-3 dnevno, sto ne znaci da ih ima ukupno toliko, jer niti ja mogu drzati citav grad na oku, niti ja dezuram na autobusku po citav dan da vidim koliko ih je.
    jednom sam ih vidio, dok sam vodio sestrice u park, njih preko 20 zalegli na livadu u park i derinjaju se ka divljaci nekakvi, ljudi se sa djecom prenerazili u park sto su bili.
    udji u neki od ovih autobusa put BiH, sve ce ti bit jasno.
    toliko ih je i toliko su se vozili taxijem svakodnevno, po nekoliko puta, jer ih vecinom uhvate i vrate nazad u NK, da su inspektori cak strogo zabranili taksistima da ih voze bilo dje.

    host pictures

    Quote Originally Posted by wulfy View Post
    Izbjeglice uglavnom nemaju dokumenta zbog načina na koji su otišli iz matičnog staništa/države.
    Meni je u čitavoj priči interesantan jedan sociološki moment, a to je kako izbjeglice postadoše migranti. Dakle podsvjesno/ili svjesno je jasno da je riječ o migraciji (da sada ne ulazimo u uzrok) te da se ti ljudi neće vraćati.
    Uostalom da je pravilno migrant, a ne izbjeglica pokazalo je stanje na Balkanu (koliki je procenat povratnika?) gdje je zvanično završen ratni sukob, ali migracije i dalje postoje.

    Sent from my Motorola 8400
    vidi ovo, islo se i sa Balkana u izbjeglistvo zbog rata, pa nesto ne znam da su se idje ljudi prijavljivali bez dokumenata, nego prvo posle djece sto ti je najvaznije da pokupe bilo im je sva dokumenta, pa tek onda dragocijenosti.
    ako ovi danasnji mogu da pokupe telefone, opremu i potrepstine iz mjesta odakle dolaze, zasto je problem i dokumenta ponijeti sa sobom?
    najveci problem je tu da niko ne zna koliki broj njih moze ili jeste iz porazene frakcije sa druge strane, tj, iz |slamske Drzave.

    Quote Originally Posted by MeDo_JE View Post
    Nadam se da se zajebavaš...

    Jesu li zbog tih sa znanjem izmišljani novi zakoni u mnogim EU zemljama...? Jesu li se ti sa znanjem ubijali kao životinje po Njemačkoj, Holandiji, Austriji (i dalje se ubijaju, svakih par dana iskoči po jedno ubistvo)...

    Jel zbog tih sa znanjem većina EU građana na Balkance gleda upravo kako ti gledaš na Sirijce...?

    U jednom si u pravu, mi se nijesmo ubijali radi vjere, već radi profita, zbog toga smo mnogo veći šljam od prosječnog Sirijca...

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    koji su to zakoni?
    djed i ujak su mi proveli radni vjek u Njemacku u blizini Frankfurta, integrisanje proslo bez ikakvih problema, cijeni se nase znanje itekako, pa i danas, ne bi se danas dogadjao odliv mozgova saBalkana da nije tako.
    ovi nasi sto se ubijaju, ubijaju se medjusobno radi para, droge itd., ne siluju i ubijaju domicilno stanovnistvo, nit ih gaze autima, kamionima uz vjerske povike, nit se dizu bombama da bi pobili par stotina neduznih civila 'nevjernika'.
    Forever young, i want to be forever young

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    Quote Originally Posted by technus View Post
    da, da, sve sto se kosi sa ideologijom je clickbait.
    sta su trebali, da joj uzmu JMBG i otisak prsta?
    vjerovatno se i BBC bavi clickbaitom ili je grupa desnicara preuzela BBC.
    Germany: Migrants 'may have fuelled violent crime rise'

    • 3 January 2018

    Migrants may be responsible for most of a recent rise in violent crime in Germany, research commissioned by the government suggests.
    The study used data from Lower Saxony, a state where more than 90% of the rise was attributed to young male migrants.
    The researchers say the findings are not surprising because many migrants who arrived in Germany in recent years are single males aged 14-30.
    This group is most likely to commit crime, irrespective of nationality.
    The researchers also said that migrants were twice as likely to be reported to police for alleged violent crimes as German nationals.
    The report comes as Chancellor Angela Merkel's centre-right CDU/CSU prepares for coalition talks with the centre-left SPD.
    Both groups were seen as being hurt by their apparently liberal migration policies in September's election.

    What figures did the report use?

    The report used statistics from Lower Saxony - regarded as an average state - where police saw an increase of 10.4% in reported violent crimes in 2015 and 2016.
    Based on figures from the state's interior ministry, which keeps a separate record of alleged crimes by migrants, the report suggested that 92.1% of this increase was attributable to migrants.
    Lower Saxony has seen a significant increase in arrivals of migrants in recent years.
    However, the researchers also said that a third of all victims of violent crimes by migrants were other migrants.
    What conclusions did the report reach?

    The researchers said that the best chance of reducing violent crime among migrants was to offer more help with integration through language courses, sport and apprenticeships.
    But it said that many male migrants fell into the 14-30 age category, the most likely to commit violent crime.
    The lack of women and families among the migrants also meant that those young men were deprived of a "violence-preventing, civilising force", the study said.
    Image copyrightREUTERSImage captionThe report suggested more migrants should be reunited with their familiesIt also said that migrants with little hope of being giving asylum in Germany were much more likely to commit violent crime than those from war zones like Syria whose asylum was guaranteed.
    "Anyone who as a war refugee regards their chances of staying in Germany as good, will endeavour not to jeopardise those prospects by criminal offences," the authors of the study said, quoted by Die Welt newspaper.
    Reuters news agency quoted criminology expert and study author Christian Pfeiffer as saying: "The situation is completely different for those who find out as soon as they arrive that they are totally undesirable here. No chance of working, of staying here."
    In the Lower Saxony figures, 17% of crimes attributed to migrants were suspected of being committed by North Africans.
    This group, which makes up less than 1% of the state's migrant population, has little chance of achieving legal status in Germany.
    Why is this a hot topic in Germany?

    Image copyrightREUTERSImage captionAttacks in Cologne have boosted movements like PegidaSince 2015, more than one million migrants and refugees, many of whom had fled war and abuses in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, have entered Germany in response to Chancellor Merkel's open-door policy.
    But the policy has led to tensions at home.
    Sex attacks on women on New Year's eve 2015 in Cologne and other German cities, which victims say were carried out by men of North African and Arab appearance, fuelled the rise of groups such as the anti-immigrant Pegida movement.
    Mrs Merkel's conservatives suffered their worst poll result in almost 70 years in September's elections as they lost ground to the right-wing nationalist AfD,
    Her coalition partners the SPD also had their worst result since 1949.
    The migration issue is expected to remain a major headache for both sides as they try to form a new coalition.

    Cologne sex attacks: Women describe 'terrible' assaults

    • 7 January 2016

    More than 100 women and girls have come forward with reports of sexual assault and robbery by gangs of men in the German city of Cologne on New Year's Eve.
    Victims have described chaos outside the city's main station, as the men carried out dozens of attacks with little apparent response from the authorities.
    Correspondents say the identification of the attackers as North African or Arab in appearance has caused alarm in Germany because of the influx of more than a million migrants and refugees in the past year.
    Some of the women caught in the violence have begun speaking of their ordeal.

    'Surrounded by 20 to 30 men'

    Media caption"They pushed our clothes away"Michelle told the BBC News how she and her friends became surrounded by between 20 and 30 men, who were speaking a foreign language.
    "They grabbed our arms... pushed our clothes away, and tried to get between our legs or I don't know where.
    "They got everything we had in our pockets."
    She said German police needed to provide more protection for women and girls.
    "We are all really shocked that something like this could happen, especially at an event like New Year's Eve."
    The search for answers

    'I thought they could kill us, and nobody would notice'

    Misliš da će ti se neko od ovih dušebrižnika kojima srce krvari za Arapima potruditi da pročita makar dio izvještaja ? Daleko je lakše izigravati humanitarca kad izbjegavaš dokaze
    Quote Originally Posted by MeDo_JE View Post
    U jednom si u pravu, mi se nijesmo ubijali radi vjere, već radi profita, zbog toga smo mnogo veći šljam od prosječnog Sirijca...

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    Mi smo bili kriminalci zbog para i meta su bili samo drugi kriminalci, a oni zato što neko vjeruje u drugu magiju i meta je svako
    Last edited by Rakun; 03-11-19 at 14:48.
    "Ja i dalje čekam da mi dokažeš da je Sunce kancerogeno.", Bugi

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    Quote Originally Posted by Viscount View Post
    Pa naravno da raste kriminal kad se bore za goli život - gladni, bosi, bez krova nad glavom, maltretirani, šikanirani, u stanju očaja.

    Kriminal je u velikoj mjeri povezan sa socioekonomskim statusom odnosno siromaštvom. U kriminal ne ulaze dobrostojeći. Osim u CG
    Ne mogu ti opisati koliko me muči polna bolest zbog toga kako žive Arapi
    Sami su krivi za svoju sudbinu isto kao što smo mi krivi za našu
    "Ja i dalje čekam da mi dokažeš da je Sunce kancerogeno.", Bugi

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    Šta rade migranti...

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    Odje ako pocnu da prave probleme ima lagano milicija da ih izlomi sve redom. Ka sto rade u Hrvatsku. Tako i treba.
    Sve je to na psihichkoj bazi ®

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf_White View Post
    Šta rade migranti...
    ne znam pokusavas li da trolujes sa ovim, mozda je ovo za tebe jos jedan clickbait, al u svakom slucaju ne bi mi muka da izvucem izvornu vijest.

    multi-kulti na djeli, hvala Frau Merkelici.

    The victim, then aged just 18, was one of four workmates set upon on Church Road, Newbold, on the afternoon of October 17, 2017 by a gang of up to 20 men
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    A teenage tree surgeon had his hand chopped off with an axe in an 'appalling' attack carried out by an armed mob sparked by a road rage row in Rochdale, a court heard.
    The victim, then aged just 18, was one of four workmates set upon on Church Road, Newbold, on the afternoon of October 17, 2017 by a gang of up to 20 men.
    They had been summoned by Habibur Rahman, 27, who called the victims 'white b******s' who were in his 'country', Minshull Street Crown Court heard.
    One of the mob, Mohammed Awais Sajid, known as 'Skinny', came armed with an axe.
    Others were carrying knives, machetes, a clawhammer and a knuckleduster.
    Sajid wielded the axe twice in quick succession, the court heard, first slashing the victim in the chest, shattering ribs and causing a collapsed lung.

    Describing the second blow, Tim Storrie, prosecuting, said: "He followed up with a 360 degree spin of his arm, an act which was doubtless employed to enhance the speed and devastation of the attack.
    "The blow itself was aimed at the victim’s head.

    Habibur Rahman of Milnrow Road, Rochdale was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison after being found guilty of conspiracy to commit violent disorder, section 47 assault and occasioning actual bodily harm"He was dimly aware at this stage of the weeping of blood down into his waistband.
    "He was turning his body, attempting to leave the scene.
    "Through good fortune, he said he realised the axe was above him aiming for his head.

    Zillur Rahman of Milnrow Road, Rochdale was sentenced to 3 years in prison after being found guilty of conspiracy to commit violent disorder"He put his arm up to defend himself and the blade essentially severed his arm at the wrist."
    The victim, whom the Manchester Evening News is choosing not to name, staggered away and was airlifted to hospital where he underwent life-saving emergency surgery.
    His hand was partially reattached although the victim has required a further five surgeries in the two years since the attack.
    He will only ever recover 60 per cent use of his arm and remains physically and mentally scarred by the events, the court heard.
    Sajid, of Kings Road, Rochdale, was jailed for 18 years after being found guilty of section 18 wounding.
    He was acquitted of attempted murder in an earlier trial.
    There were shouts of 'f***ing injustice! and 'police set up' from a man in the public gallery as he was led down to the cells, while a woman fled the court in sobs of tears.
    Rahman, the instigator of the shocking street violence of Milnrow Road, Rochdale, was also found guilty of an assault charge after the court heard he used a knuckleduster to punch one of the other tree surgeons in the face, breaking his nose.
    He was jailed for four-and-a-half years.
    His brother Zillur Rahman, 29, was jailed for three years for conspiracy to commit violent disorder after he admitted making phone calls to summon the gang.
    Arsan Ali, 23, was among those he called and who attended the scene.
    He was jailed for four years after being found guilty of conspiracy to commit violent disorder.

    The air ambulance was called to the scene in Rochdale on October 17, 2017 (Image: John Nokes)Judge John Potter said the horrific events began at around 4pm when Habibur Rahman manager of his family's restaurant the Baytree in Blackley, 'took offence' at the driving of an elderly woman on Church Road.
    "You shouted abuse at her and two tree surgeons passing by intervened.
    "A scuffle took place between Habibur Rahman and one of the tree surgeons."
    Rahman then made it clear that he had been 'disrespected' on his 'territory' and decided to enact 'swift retribution', the judge said.
    The tree surgeons were tracked to the property they were working on nearby and were quickly confronted by Rahman and a mob that rapidly grew in number.
    "Habibur Rahman's first action was to prevent the men from leaving," said prosecutor Mr Storrie.
    "As the workforce attempted to pack up their tools to leave the scene, he drove his car, a Vauxhall Zafira across the entry.
    "The workmen found they were trapped and could not leave.
    "The street where they had been working had become a battleground.

    The victim's injury"And Habibur Rahman and his crew of supporters were beyond any kind of rational discussion."
    Speaking from his car, Rahman made chilling threats, saying: “I am not going to let them leave.
    "They’re going to get what they deserve. They’re going to get stabbed."
    In interview, Rahman claimed he was subjected to racist threats from the four tree surgeons.
    But sentencing, Judge Potter said this was a 'pack of lies'.
    He said: "The fact that a mob could be mobilised so quickly and so heavily-armed is clear evidence in my judgement that you are each associated with gang activity."
    Judge Potter described the violence as Rahman's gang as 'asserting control' over the neighbourhood of Newbold.
    Sajid arrived at the scene just as the violence began.
    Mr Storrie said he launched a 'devastating attack' on the youngest of the tree surgeon crew that was 'to shape irreversibly the events of the afternoon.'
    "Sajid arrived by car, halting to get out and stride towards the confrontation; he had secreted his weapon down the waistband of his trousers; he removed it and, without the slightest hesitation or inquiry, in his first blow, he struck out at the chest wall of [the victim]," said Mr Storrie.
    He followed up with the '360 degree swing' which virtually severed the victim's hand off.
    Judge Potter said the young man had been acting as 'peacemaker' and was 'completely defenceless' when he was subjected to the 'savage and brutal act'.
    Read more of today's stories here

    "You committed an appalling act of violence," Judge Potter told Sajid, " and took concerted efforts to conceal what you had done."
    The court heard the terrifying attack only came to an end when one of the tree surgeons *****d up a chainsaw and revved it in an effort to scare them away.
    Another victim fled to a nearby care home and managed to call emergency services.
    Police in Rochdale launched a major investigation into the disorder under the codename Operation Beehive.
    Habibur Rahman and Sajid were among twelve arrested in dawn raids in January last year. Nine others were later released without charge.
    Judge Potter said none of the group had showed 'a shred of remorse' throughout proceedings, refusing to give evidence during two trials.
    He said the events of October 17, 2017, have had a 'profound effect' on the four tree surgeons, adding: "Each struggles with the memory of the scenes of violence they were subjected to."
    Police have not release a picture of Mohammed Awais Sajid.

    Last edited by technus; 05-11-19 at 16:56.
    Forever young, i want to be forever young

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    evo koliko nam dobro zele i kakvi su im planovi.

    Last edited by technus; 04-11-19 at 19:52.
    Forever young, i want to be forever young

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    da napomenem, prije nego li zaboravim, ne bavim se teorijama zavjere, mislim da su vecina njih gluposti,
    al ni jeden snimak niti vijest iz ovog posta nisam mogao naci preko Googke pretrazivaca u prvih 10 stranica na Google (vjerujem da vecina ljudi na planeti nije nikad okrenula na drugu stranicu, kamoli trecu, o desetoj da ne pricamo
    ko ne vjeruje, nek izvoli i proba.

    Danke Frau Angela :-D

    a vidjite ovih tipova sto trce za kamionima, o jadu se kamiondzije zabavise sa njima.
    kakve likcine, bukvalno imam osjecaj da gledam neki film o zombijima koji jure zrtve, ka da Resident Evil gledam live :-D

    Gospo'ja se prenerazila, zahvali se gospo'ja Frau Angeli :-D

    Doktori, inzenjeri i ostali ucenjaci, da ne kazem mistici koji sire spoznaju duhovne istine :-D

    jedan odista pravi gospar, mozemo reci i dzentlmen koji cijeni sto ga je doticna gospodjica pustila u njenu drzavu da zivi od socijale koju ona placa i veoma je uvidjajan prema zenama

    sa druge strane, jedan gospodin, kojega zaista cijenim, jer bez lazi i foliranja kaze zasto je dosao u Evropu.

    NE BEŽIM OD RATA: Došao sam da islamizujemo Evropu, poručuje migrant pred kamerama!

    „Moj glavni cilj odlaska iz Sirije je da vodim ljude tako da svi prihvate islam“ kaže migrant iz Sirije pred kamerama.
    Imigrant navodi da je spreman “da prodi” svoju državu (Siriju), kao i sopstvene roditelje kako bi otišao u “raj” konvertovanjem Evropljana na islam, a ti Evropljani će kasnije islamizovati druge narode.

    Ovo će biti zahtevam posao za mene i zbog toga sam se sastao sa par ljudi i žena koji žele da znaju o islamu. Zapazio sam da su radoznali i voljni da upoznaju islam preko nas – kaže Sirijac.
    Ako se neko preobrati u islam, i od dalje preobrati osobe koju sam ja učio, poenta je da on još nekog preobrati na islam, a tada i ja dobijam deo zasluga.Kada on pređe na islam i islamizuje druge onda ću ja biti nagrađen za njegov i moj rad. U tom slučaju ja ne želim da se vratim u moju domovinu,

    jos jedan od mnogih dapace prosvjetljenih tipova koji sui dosli da sire svoju kulturu tolerancije i uvazavanja, pogotovo prema onima koji su tu da mu pomognu.
    dakle, tip je ubio radnmika Crvenog Krsta koji je pokusavao da mu pomogne, al jos jace od toga je ono sto je izjavio kod istraznog sudije.

    (VIDEO) Migrant zaklao radnika Crvenog krsta u azilantskom centru u Vulovicu! Šokirao sudiju obrazloženjem…

    oktobar 19, 2019
    Migrant iz Avganistana Džamal A. (33) ubio je nožem dvoje ljudi od kojih je jedan radio na pomoći azilantima. Nakon ubistva centar za azilante je raspušten.

    Na Univerzitetskoj bolnici umro je David H. (32), radnik Crvenog krsta koji je radio u centru za tražioce azila u Vulovicu.
    Iako je neposredno posle napada objavljeno da se žrtva nalazi van neposredne životne opasnosti, u petak je podlegao teškim povredama nožem.
    Nakon što je izbo Davida, Avganistanac je napustio centar i tokom bekstva ubio i 63-godišnjeg lokalnog farmera iz obližnjeg sela u okolini Linca.
    Jamal A. je brzo uhapšen i već u sredu se pojavio kod istražnog sudije u Lincu koga je potom šokirao svojim zahtevom kojim ubistvo tretira kao manji incident.
    „Obećavam da to više nikada neću učiniti. Ne mogu da objasnim zašto sam to uradio. Želim da me pustite da idem u grad“, rekao je migrant opravdavjući svirepo ubistvo.
    Imigrantu iz Avganistana je određen pritvor, a uskoro će biti optužen za dvostruko ubistvo. Azilantski centar u Vulovicu je raspušten posle brutalnog zločina.

    Last edited by technus; 04-11-19 at 23:41.
    Forever young, i want to be forever young

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    Quote Originally Posted by technus View Post
    da napomenem, prije nego li zaboravim, ne bavim se teorijama zavjere, mislim da su vecina njih gluposti,
    al ni jeden snimak niti vijest iz ovog posta nisam mogao naci preko Googke pretrazivaca u prvih 10 stranica na Google (vjerujem da vecina ljudi na planeti nije nikad okrenula na drugu stranicu, kamoli trecu, o desetoj da ne pricamo
    ko ne vjeruje, nek izvoli i proba.

    Danke Frau Angela

    a vidjite ovih tipova sto trce za kamionima, o jadu se kamiondzije zabavise sa njima.
    kakve likcine, bukvalno imam osjecaj da gledam neki film o zombijima koji jure zrtve, ka da Resident Evil gledam live

    Gospo'ja se prenerazila, zahvali se gospo'ja Frau Angeli

    Doktori, inzenjeri i ostali ucenjaci, da ne kazem mistici koji sire spoznaju duhovne istine

    jedan odista pravi gospar, mozemo reci i dzentlmen koji cijeni sto ga je doticna gospodjica pustila u njenu drzavu da zivi od socijale koju ona placa i veoma je uvidjajan prema zenama

    sa druge strane, jedan gospodin, kojega zaista cijenim, jer bez lazi i foliranja kaze zasto je dosao u Evropu.

    NE BEŽIM OD RATA: Došao sam da islamizujemo Evropu, poručuje migrant pred kamerama!

    „Moj glavni cilj odlaska iz Sirije je da vodim ljude tako da svi prihvate islam“ kaže migrant iz Sirije pred kamerama.
    Imigrant navodi da je spreman “da prodi” svoju državu (Siriju), kao i sopstvene roditelje kako bi otišao u “raj” konvertovanjem Evropljana na islam, a ti Evropljani će kasnije islamizovati druge narode.

    Ovo će biti zahtevam posao za mene i zbog toga sam se sastao sa par ljudi i žena koji žele da znaju o islamu. Zapazio sam da su radoznali i voljni da upoznaju islam preko nas – kaže Sirijac.
    Ako se neko preobrati u islam, i od dalje preobrati osobe koju sam ja učio, poenta je da on još nekog preobrati na islam, a tada i ja dobijam deo zasluga.Kada on pređe na islam i islamizuje druge onda ću ja biti nagrađen za njegov i moj rad. U tom slučaju ja ne želim da se vratim u moju domovinu,

    jos jedan od mnogih dapace prosvjetljenih tipova koji sui dosli da sire svoju kulturu tolerancije i uvazavanja, pogotovo prema onima koji su tu da mu pomognu.
    dakle, tip je ubio radnmika Crvenog Krsta koji je pokusavao da mu pomogne, al jos jace od toga je ono sto je izjavio kod istraznog sudije.

    (VIDEO) Migrant zaklao radnika Crvenog krsta u azilantskom centru u Vulovicu! Šokirao sudiju obrazloženjem…

    oktobar 19, 2019
    Migrant iz Avganistana Džamal A. (33) ubio je nožem dvoje ljudi od kojih je jedan radio na pomoći azilantima. Nakon ubistva centar za azilante je raspušten.

    Na Univerzitetskoj bolnici umro je David H. (32), radnik Crvenog krsta koji je radio u centru za tražioce azila u Vulovicu.
    Iako je neposredno posle napada objavljeno da se žrtva nalazi van neposredne životne opasnosti, u petak je podlegao teškim povredama nožem.
    Nakon što je izbo Davida, Avganistanac je napustio centar i tokom bekstva ubio i 63-godišnjeg lokalnog farmera iz obližnjeg sela u okolini Linca.
    Jamal A. je brzo uhapšen i već u sredu se pojavio kod istražnog sudije u Lincu koga je potom šokirao svojim zahtevom kojim ubistvo tretira kao manji incident.
    „Obećavam da to više nikada neću učiniti. Ne mogu da objasnim zašto sam to uradio. Želim da me pustite da idem u grad“, rekao je migrant opravdavjući svirepo ubistvo.
    Imigrantu iz Avganistana je određen pritvor, a uskoro će biti optužen za dvostruko ubistvo. Azilantski centar u Vulovicu je raspušten posle brutalnog zločina.

    Sve sami clickbait, doduše sa priloženim dokazima
    Isto treba da razumijemo i da se malo strpimo. Kao što reče Gandalf samo koju deceniju i sve super
    Takođe treba da razumijemo da su primjeri kakve si naveo u stvari izraz zahvalnosti prema zemljama koje su ih primile
    Last edited by Rakun; 05-11-19 at 00:55.
    "Ja i dalje čekam da mi dokažeš da je Sunce kancerogeno.", Bugi

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    Evo jedna svjeza fotka od jutros, voz Nis-Presevo. Fin neki narod.

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    Ako misliš na te koji leže po podu meni to ni najmanje ne smeta jer u tom slučaju nemaju izbora
    Ono što mi smeta je to što svuđe đe odu očekuju da se kompletno društvo prilagodi njima i bukvalno ne postoji primjer da su ušli u neku zemlju a da nisu sranja pravili
    "Ja i dalje čekam da mi dokažeš da je Sunce kancerogeno.", Bugi

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    Kuku vidji ovo..Jeza da te uhvati.
    Zamisli zensko u ovom vozu,velika petlja treba..
    Sreca pa ih kod nas nema puno.U BG je haos,najezda evo par godina.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 5 using Tapatalk

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    Quote Originally Posted by Djalac View Post
    Kuku vidji ovo..Jeza da te uhvati.
    Zamisli zensko u ovom vozu,velika petlja treba..
    Sreca pa ih kod nas nema puno.U BG je haos,najezda evo par godina.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 5 using Tapatalk

    Jeste. U Beogradu ih je masa (barem kod Autokomande đe ja stanujem), puni su para i sve su Libijci sa po troje đece
    "Ja i dalje čekam da mi dokažeš da je Sunce kancerogeno.", Bugi

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    Ja ih srijecem redovno u Masline, na Stari a, Konick...
    Sve je to na psihichkoj bazi ®

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    sve sama zena idjeca koji bjeze od rata.
    oh wait...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rakun View Post
    Sve sami clickbait, doduše sa priloženim dokazima
    Isto treba da razumijemo i da se malo strpimo. Kao što reče Gandalf samo koju deceniju i sve super
    Takođe treba da razumijemo da su primjeri kakve si naveo u stvari izraz zahvalnosti prema zemljama koje su ih primile

    ma da,samo pricekati 2-3 desetljeca i zivjeti u strahu, da bi se integrisali kao npr. u Francuskoj dje u Marsej dominiraju i prakticno upravljaju gradom arapske i africke bande, ili cekas da ti 2 ili 3 generacija migranata odrubi glavu u ime vjere, ili da ti naprave sacekusu i izresetaju te ako im pomenes proroka u bilo kakvom saljivom kontekstu (Sarli Ebdo npr.), ili ta te pregazi kamionom, tebe i jos sugradjana koliko moze da pokupi u datom trenutku, kao u Nici, ili da napadaju ljude macetama kao u Mancesteru itd.
    kao sto vec nedje prije napomenuh, vec odavno u Svedskoj i Francuskoj u svakom vecem gradu imas kvartove u koje su naseljeni migranti cak i 2 i 3 generacije, u koje ako priviris bukvalno se igras ruskog ruleta, cak i obicna policija ne smije da proviri u njih, nego ako se desi neko sraanje, salju specijalce. obicno u tim kvartovima vlada neki njihov zakon (najvise serijatski) mimo zakona te drzave.

    odlicna integracija i spajanje kultura, da ne kazemo ogromno iskazivanje postovanja i zahvalnosti domicilnom narodu koji te je prihvatio i dozvolio da naselis njegovu teritoriju.
    a Frau Merkel bi da nas zaspe sa jos par miliona tako prosvjescenjih tipova.

    nemadoh sinoc volje, inace materijala ima koliko oces, bukvalno da ne znas odakle prije da krenes, ne vidi samo onaj ko nece, evo jos malo prilozenog.

    ovaj tip je ubio psihologa iz Crvenog Krsta koji je pomagao ljudima u azilskom centru.

    Syrian man, 27, stabs Red Cross psychologist to death at a refugee counselling centre in Germany

    • Unnamed psychologist killed after argument with refugee, reports say
    • Attack is latest in series of violent incidents at centres for refugees in Germany

    A psychologist working for the German Red Cross has been stabbed to death by a Syrian man at a counseling centre for refugees in the western state of Saarland.
    The charity said the attack took place on Wednesday in the state capital, Saarbruecken.
    The 27-year-old Syrian attacked the Red Cross psychologist following an argument, German news agency dpa reported. The suspect, who wasn't identified, was arrested shortly after the attack.


    A Red Cross psychologist has been killed by a Syrian refugee (file photo)

    The 30-year-old psychologist had been working for the Red Cross since 2014, helping people who had experienced trauma begin lives.
    The shocking incident comes after an attack on Sunday that saw a five-year-old child stabbed to death by an Afghan national at a refugee shelter in southeastern Germany.
    The 41-year-old assailant also injured the child's mother, a Russian national, and a six-year-old child at the scene was treated for shock and taken to hospital.

    The attack was apparently sparked by a dispute between asylum seekers at the centre.
    Germany has seen an influx of around 1 million refugees since 2015, with emigrants from war-torn Syria and Afghanistan leading the numbers.

    And tensions have arisen between some refugees and some native Germans. According to the country's Interior Ministry, as reported in the Independent, there were an average 10 attacks every day on refugees in 2016.
    Vigilant gangs have been formed by groups of far-right-wingers in a number of German towns, while there were reports of mass sexual assault by refugees on women at a New Year's Eve event in Cologne in 2015.

    ovaj tip je najjaci, znaci mislim da ne postoji veca ironija u Univerzumu od ove.
    jednog migranta iz Afganistana u Belgiju je socijalna radnica poducaval kako da se ophodi prema zenama, a on je na kraju silovao. da nije toliko tuzno, bilo bi presmjesno.

    Refugee teen charged with rape of social worker after finishing course on how to behave with women

    A 16-year-old Afghan refugee, who had recently taken a course on how to behave towards women, has been charged with raping a female employee at a refugee shelter in Belgium. The center’s spokeswoman told RT he had had “an eye on her for quite some time.”
    The incident took place in the Belgian town of Menan near the French border. The minor, who “has been staying in the center in Menan already for five months,” followed the “young cook into the basement,” where he allegedly raped her, An Luyten, a spokeswoman for the Red Cross Flanders, told RT.
    She added that the teenager “apparently already had an eye on her for quite some time.”
    Belgian prosecutors confirmed that the Afghan minor had attacked the young woman, who works for a catering firm providing services to the Menan refugee center, adding that a judge had ordered that the suspect be detained in youth custody until his next hearing.
    According to the Red Cross Flanders, which runs the center, the “boy” had attended a course on how to behave towards women given by the organization just two weeks before sexually assaulting the young girl.
    “When a minor comes to Belgium and when a minor comes to a center of the Red Cross Flanders, we teach them two things: first thing is sexual education… sometimes we are talking about children who are 14, 15, 16 years old. Without parents, they do not know anything,” Luyten told RT.
    “We also have to explain what the normal ways of treating women here in Flanders [are],” she added.
    Luyten stressed that, although “this is a very serious case and we will condemn it very strongly,” it was “a single case,” and it would be “unfair” to extend blame for it to “all the 5,000 people that we shelter at this moment.”
    However, the incident has already thrown more fuel on the already raging migration debate, as Tom Van Grieken, leader of the Belgian anti-immigrant party Vlaams Belang, said in a tweet that “people who need a course on how to treat women should not be there in the first place.
    Friday’s incident was just one of the latest in a string of sexual assaults linked to the Europe’s ongoing mass refugee influx.
    On December 4, four male refugees living in a shelter in Norway raped and beat up their 19-year-old female friend, who was later taken to a hospital in serious condition. The culprits even recorded a video of their crime, which ended up becoming key evidence in the case.
    In another incident last December, an Iraqi refugee raped a 10 year-old boy at a swimming pool in Vienna, Austria, after which the victim, who suffered severe internal injuries, was admitted to a children’s hospital. Following the assault, the assailant simply remained at the pool until he was detained by police, to whom he explained that that he had had a “sexual emergency,” as he had not had sex in four months.
    A wave of public indignation was also caused by a series of sexual attacks in Germany on New Year’s Eve. First reports indicated that a large number of sexual assaults, including several rapes, had taken place in the German city of Cologne. However, leaked police documents later revealed that attacks had actually taken place in 12 German states and the number of victims in only four German cities, including Cologne, had exceeded 1,200. According to police documents, the suspects were mostly men of migrant origin, although the majority of them had been living in Germany for some time, and were not recent arrivals.
    READ MORE: ‘New form of criminality’: Sex attacks on NYE in 12 German states, says leaked police report

    Last edited by technus; 05-11-19 at 14:15.
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    ovih 5 divljaka je silovalo 13-ogodisnju djevojcicu u Becu, svi Iracani.

    inace, ovakvih gang rape (silovanje u grupama od preko 5, 10 ovakvih divljaka) je u velikom broju zabiljzeno kroz EU zadnijh par godina.

    Danke Frau Merkel.

    inace, i pored svih ovih sraanja, ekstremni (da ne kazem radikalni) ljevicari (kojih cini mi se ne fali ni na forumu :-D) ne odustaju od svoje agende, vjestacke ideje globalizacije i multi-kulti ispiranja mozga

    Five migrants who gang raped a 13-year-old and filmed it convicted by Austrian court

    Migrants between the ages of 17 and 22 have been convicted by an Austrian court of raping a 13-year-old girl.
    The attack happened in October of 2018 after the 13-year-old girl was lured to an apartment by the young men after meeting them at the central railway station in Graz. According to a report by Austria’s Kronen Zeitung, once the girl was inside of the apartment, the five migrants are said to have given her alcohol and other substances before they forced her to undress.
    Before this incident, two of the migrant rapists had previously been convicted on drug charges.

    As the 13-year-old victim tried to resist the 5 men, the rape is said to have become progressively more violent and aggressive as each one of them took turns raping her.
    One of the migrants even videotaped the entire ordeal with his mobile phone. Following their investigation and subsequent arrests of the perpetrators, the phone along with the footage were both later discovered by police.
    Each one of the defendants has been handed lengthy prison sentences. However, at present, none of the sentences are final since the migrants’ lawyers have filed appeals.
    Unfortunately, stories like this one have become more and more common since Angela Merkel opened Europe’s doors to the migrant invasion in 2015.
    Just last Friday night, a woman in her twenties is said to have been raped in central Piteĺ in northern Sweden. The victim said that at least ten men – described as all having dark hair and dark skin – were involved in the attack. Investigations are ongoing.
    In the spring of 2017, a similar gang rape case involving ‘asylum seekers’ occurred in Vienna where eight Iraqis were convicted of gang-raping a German tourist on New Year’s Eve.
    The young woman, who was incredibly inebriated, was lured to an apartment in the Austrian capital’s second district where she was raped over and over again by the Iraqi migrants who were between the ages 22 and 42. Most of the perpetrators were related to one another.
    The migrant rapists were all handed lengthy prison sentences with the longest, a ten-year sentence, given to a 27-year-old.
    This year in neighboring Germany, 11 migrants, mostly from Syria, were put on trial for the gang rape of an 18-year-old in the city of Freiburg.
    Despite all of these warning signs, they globalist left continues to back policies which continue to devastate the people of Europe. Unfortunately, as of now, there is no end in sight.

    ovaj jedan fini tip je ubio 5-ogodisnje dijete u azilu u Minhenu u kom su zajedno boravili.

    5yo Russian boy stabbed to death, mother injured in asylum shelter attack in Germany – police

    A knife-wielding attacker from Afghanistan has captured and lethally injured a 5-year-old boy and wounded his Russian mother in the Bavarian municipality of Arnschwang. The carnage unfolded in the migrant shelter on Saturday afternoon, police report.
    Police, who had promptly arrived at the scene, shot dead the assailant, who was identified in a police report as a 41-year-old Afghan national, a resident of the same shelter as his victims.

    Female Christian refugee murdered by Afghan compatriot in Bavaria
    The police were alerted to the incident via an emergency call at about 16:50 local time. The caller said that the man had got hold of a boy and was attacking him with a knife. Before being neutralized, the perpetrator also injured the boy’s mother, a 47-year-old Russian national, who was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Her other child, a six-year old boy, who was present at the scene at the time of the brutal attack, was deeply shaken but physically unharmed, police said. He was also brought to the hospital. A crisis intervention unit is attending to both child and mother at the hospital.
    So far, it is not clear what prompted the attack, and police have launched an investigation.
    “The investigation is at the very beginning,” Bavarian state police said in a statement.
    Meanwhile, the Russian Embassy in Germany said that it has been looking into the reports, along with the Russian consulate in Munich, of an attack in which Russian citizens might have been affected, the embassy’s spokesman, Denis Mikerin, told RIA Novosti.
    “At the present moment, we are working in cooperation with local law enforcement to establish if the victims have Russian citizenship. The report by police that the victims are of Russian origin is subject to verification,” Mikerin said.
    Police together with rescue services were dispatched to the scene in great numbers as the officers were dealing with the attacker, the head of a local rescue unit, Michael Daiminger, told the Mittelbayerishe newspaper. Seven ambulances and two helicopters were taking part in the effort.
    Commenting on the incident, the head of the Arnschwang government, Michael Multerer, told the outlet he was shocked by the atrocity, noting that the authorities had no negative experience with the facility in the past. Multerer said the boys, whom he personally knew, have been living in the shelter for several years already, adding that both of them have since mastered good German. He described their mother as a quiet and a nice woman.
    In the aftermath of the incident, police cordoned off the shelter and asked all its 18 residents, including three children, to vacate the premises. They tare expected to be resettled in temporary accommodation.

    Last edited by technus; 05-11-19 at 17:08.
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