"This code was politically, and not linguistically, motivated. Western Armenian has just been approved a code, and to prove the linguistic differences caused ME to have to do a lot of work on it. We WILL approve a Western Armenian wiki (soon) because Eastern and Western Armenian are DIFFERENT languages.

The Montenegrins can PROVE to us that their Wikipedia will be different from the Serbian one by demonstrating how it differs and showing that their readers cannot use the Serbian Wiki.

They have to at least TRY. This is not like Belarusian. This is not like English, even,

Michael Everson"

Posljednja poruka člana LangComa u njihovoj internoj komunikaciji. Poželjno bi bilo da onda već pri pisanju novih članaka se što manje kopira (pogotovo sa sr.wiki) a što se objašnjenja tiče zaista ne znam što još da mu se kaže pored svega već napisanog na Discussion stranici ovoga zahtjeva, pa ako se neko śeti još nečega bilo bi dobro da to i napiše.

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