Nepravedno zapostavljeni na ovom podforumu, konacno ce dobit mjesto koje im pripada. Sticky.
Mislim da ce ovo biti zanimljiv topic, jer ima nevjerovatno zanimljivih kratkih filmova. Za pocetak cu "priloziti" filmic radjen stop motion-om.
Ova tehnika je popularna i kod "kuce" -
Naravno dodavajte i zanimljive kratke animacije
Nashire poznati Rejected -
I jedan poljski iz 2005 godine Fallen Art -
Nepravedno zapostavljeni na ovom podforumu, konacno ce dobit mjesto koje im pripada. Sticky.
I am the one who locks.
neka no milan bulatovic brale![]()
The Fly / A Légy (Ferenc Rofusz)
Ovo je kultni film, posebno vozachima
C’était un Rendez-vous
On an August morning in 1976, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB (zvuk je ferrarijev, ali je auto bio Mercedes 450) and had a friend, a professional Formula 1 racer, drive at breakneck speed through the heart of Paris. No streets were closed, for Lelouch was unable to obtain a permit. No dialogue, just the squeal of tyres and the roar of the engine.
Vidim da ovo ne ide, tako da se prelazi na teshku artiljeriju...
- (segment "100 Flowers Hidden Deep")
- Bernardo Bertolucci (segment "Histoire d'eaux")
- Mike Figgis (segment "About Time 2")
- Jirí Menzel (segment "One Moment")
- István Szabó (segment "Ten Minutes After")
- Claire Denis (segment "Vers Nancy")
- Volker Schlöndorff (segment "The Enlightenment")
- Michael Radford (segment "Addicted to the Stars")
- Jean-Luc Godard (segment "Dans le noir du temps")
Helsinki i Paris nema na youtube.
Daću svoj skromnjikavi doprinos.
Ovaj tip,Žel,je imigrant u Londonu,iz Hrvatske,sviđa mi se njegov rad,mada uglavnom radi spotove. - >
- > Jedan od omiljenih,Novosadski proizvod.
Takođe favorit - Validation - >
Linčova posla - The Amputee - >
La Žete.Poslužio kao inspiracija Teriju Gilijemu za '12 majmuna' (Snimano sa trake od 16 milimetara,kvalitet trt trt,ali ipak odgledajte sva tri dijela,spektakl je) -
Uživajte. :dring:
"And if they didn't believe me, they believe me now."
I meni se Validation dopao...samo sto mi je od 13-og do 16-og minuta maaaalcice tresh :oops:
No storyboard je super!![]()
Evo jedan malo psihodelican film...odnosno, kako jutarnji rituali mogu da se 'zakomplikuju'
dobar "Buongiornio" dobar!
Moze li video spot upast u kategoriju kratkih filmova?
Ako moze -
Having a parachute greatly increases your chance of surviving a long fall.
Have a parachute.
Bas smo krenuli sa nekim psihodelicnim varijacijama na temu.U tom maniru, evo jos jedan...
Panic Attack! (2009)
"Panic Attack" was put together by a commercial director and FX specialist Fede Alvarez. The short shows Earth being ruthlessly attacked by giant robots that came out of the fog.
Now comes word that Sam Raimi (Spider-Man) was so impressed with Alvarez's "Panic" that he decided to sign him to develop a new sci-fi film. "There will be robots," confirmed Alvarez, adding that the movie will have a budget between $30 and $40 million.
Apparently Alvarez was offered more money, but Raimi wanted to make sure that the helmer had enough freedom to develop the project his way, knowing that more cash meant less control.
Raimi bringing on an unknown director to helm a sci-fi story for around $30 million is exactly what Peter Jackson did when he hired Neill Blompkamp, also a commercial director, to make the $30 million "District 9" that went on to gross almost $200 million worldwide.
mislim da je već pominjan par puta...
The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon (2008)
Tagline: It will kill you. Even if it takes the rest of your life.
Cube, animirani kratki.
Having a parachute greatly increases your chance of surviving a long fall.
Have a parachute.
The Piano / 2005 / Aidan Gibbons
Having a parachute greatly increases your chance of surviving a long fall.
Have a parachute.
Kratki film ili ne - odlicno napravljena animacija u Flashu.
Having a parachute greatly increases your chance of surviving a long fall.
Have a parachute.
Evo par...
Father and daughter (dobio čika Oskara)
The Town Rat and the Country Rat (1926)
Tango (dobio čika Oskara)
Samo oni koji se usude uvelike podbaciti, mogu uspjeti u velikoj mjeri.
Dosla sam samo da bih postovala Father and daughter ali vidim da ga je Raquel vec postovala.
Uglavnom, najdivniji kratkometrazni film koji sam ikad gledala.
...K'o mnogo puta do sada On sanja...Kako beskrajno pada...
Не знам да ли је ово постовано негдје на некој теми,али ево :
Father and son are sitting on a bench. Suddenly a sparrow lands across them.
Father: Nikos Zoiopoulos
Son: Panagiotis Bougiouris
Directed by: Constantin Pilavios
Written by: Nikos & Constantin Pilavios
Director of photgraphy: Zoe Manta
Music by: Christos Triantafillou
Sound by: Teo Babouris
Mixed by: Kostas Varibobiotis
Produced by: MovieTeller films
Сваки човјек је - мали бог у блату.
Kosovo | Can you Imagine?
Сваки човјек је - мали бог у блату.
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