ja mozda...aj stavi da vidimo...samo ako je to tacno da su predavaci microsoftovi inzinjeri
Prisustvo se ne plaća, odvija se kroz klijentski program LiveMeeting, predavači su Microsoft-ovi inženjeri iz predmetnih oblasti, participanti dolaze sa svih strana Svijeta.
Ima li zainteresovanih koji bi prisustvovali, da postavim detalje?
ja mozda...aj stavi da vidimo...samo ako je to tacno da su predavaci microsoftovi inzinjeri
Last edited by gatsbyy; 14-01-09 at 12:42.
nijesu svi Microsoft-ovi inženjeri (imamo dvoje iz drugih kompanija), a da ne bih prekucavao - postovaću link na temu sa [ES] foruma gdje vršim redovan update.
e hvala...bio sam na onaj sajt net programers i vidim da ima vise eventa...zaista korisno...
ima, i jest' korisno zaista.
U pitanju su sve najnovije tehnologije, a ova predavanja imaju za cilj da zainteresovane developer-e čim prije upoznaju sa njima i daju im praktične smjernice za dalje istraživanje i primjenu.
Zapravo - Netprogrammers je na samom početku, ali je u tijesnoj saradnji sa Microsoft-om i planiramo više predavača, više tema i više aktivnosti.
Ako neko ima Facebook - može se priključiti i Facebook grupi putem linka: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2204912892 te pogledati sijaset ponuda za posao za .NET programere.
Last edited by Djoks; 14-01-09 at 14:24.
Malo je nezgodno što su predavanja u 2 ujutro po našem vremenu :/ koliko obično traje predavanje? Vidio sam tamo da ima uvod od pola sata za 'druženje'. Ali ispratiću ovo sljedeće, da vidimo kako to izgleda, mada ne sumnjam u kvalitet
Why, oh why, didn't I take the blue pill...
pa da...ali moram to vidjet bar jednom...
trebalo bi da se nauci nesto novo...
Jeste nezgodno.
Prva predavanja su bila zakazivana za 10 i 11 PM (po našem vremenu), ali s' obzirom na vrlo mali broj participanata iz Evrope (svega nekoliko) - termin je pomjeren naprijed da bi odgovarao većini participanata.
No, eto - za sada su predavanja jednom mjesečno - pa se može odvojiti ta jedna noć.
Vidjećemo... Kombinovaćemo, dogovaraćemo se. Ja sam svojevremeno pokrenuo pitanje otvaranja korisničke grupe za naš region (Balkan i naše govorno područje), i dobio sam Microsoft-ovu podršku za ovaj projekat i brojne beneficije, međutim nedostatak vremena i participanata obesmislio bi taj pokušaj u samom startu.
Potom su otpočeti pregovori sa [ES] predstavnicima, da se makar jedan dio foruma veže tjesnije za Microsoft (jer ES ima ogroman broj članova - preko 200 hiljada), ali pregovori su još u toku uz niz problema (prevashodno jezik foruma, a možda i sama politika zvaničnika). Pojedini radije kritikuju Microsoft i njihove razvojne alate, nego što stupaju u direktan kontakt sa Microsoft-ovim inženjerima sa željom da zajednički dođu do rješenja, otklone nedoumicu, nedostatak znanja itd.
Zato, za sada, Netprogrammers - koji će se prilagođavati članovima. Ako bude bilo dovoljno participanata sa naših prostora, i interesovanje bude bilo adekvatno - može se organizovati predavanje za naše ciljno područje, u skladu sa temom koju odaberemo, u terminu koji nam odgovara.
Predavanje obično ne traje duže od sat vremena, u zavisnosti od broja pitanja koja se postave tokom predavanja. Neke teme zahtijevaju malo veći broj demonstracija - pa je i predavanje nešto duže, ali nikada preko sat i po vremena.
Sva pitanja na koja predavači ne daju odgovor u toku/nakon predavanja - bivaju upućena Microsoft-u na odgovarajuće adrese, a njihovi autori dobijaju odgovore na e-mail.
Participanti takođe imaju pravo da stupe u neposredan kontakt sa predavačem, putem njegove zvanične e-mail adrese (@microsoft.com).
Kvalitet ne može biti loš, jer se radi o izuzetnim predavačima koji drže seminare/predavanja u okviru najvećih sajmova i manifestacija u oblasti IT-ja (PDC, MIX, TechEd, CEBIT itd.). Uzmimo, za primjer, Jesseya Liberty-ja - čovjeka čijim sam ja knjigama napunio policu (C/C++) i folder sa elektronskim knjigama: nema tog pitanja koje mu se može postaviti, a da on neće znati odgovor. Ma da je to slučaj i sa drugim predavačima. Dakle - izuzetno stručan i informisan kadar.
Plus što su svi oni dio tima koji učestvuje u razvoju ili testira te nove tehnologije na licu mjesta, imajući na raspolaganju enormne software/hardware/knowledge/experience resurse o kojima možemo samo da sanjamo.
Još jednom podsjećanje na sljedeći live meeting:
- Vrijeme: 01:30 AM, 4. Februar, 2009
- Mjesto: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/micro...=PN6.%3CQ%5Drb
- Tema: ADO.NET Entity Framework
- Predavač: Lindsay Rutter, Microsoft Corporation
Neophodno je prethodno preuzeti besplatan program (LiveMeeting) sa: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/he...733831033.aspx
Više informacija na: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=38897083459
Provjerite tačan početak termina u vašem regionu putem adrese: http://tinyurl.com/86la7k
Uvodnih 30 minuta je namijenjeno upoznavanju i neformalnom razgovoru sa predavačem, organizatorima i ostalim učesnicima predavanja kako bi se upoznali i saznali nešto više o učesnicima.
Svi su pozvani i svi su dobrodošli, uz uslov da mogu pratiti predavanja i/ili se uključiti u diskusiju na Engleskom jeziku. Imanje zvučnika je preduslov za praćenje predavanja, a mikrofon je poželjan (ukoliko želite participirati glasom).
Materijal sa predavanja biće publikovan učesnicima tokom samog predavanja.
Znam da je vremenski termin za naše područje dosta nezgodan, ali bih Vas pozvao da se potrudite da dođete taj jedan put u toku mjeseca, a ako bude bilo više učesnika sa ovih prostora - možemo organizovati ciljano predavanje samo za ovaj region, odnosno u terminu koji nama bude najviše odgovarao.
Vidjeću i ja da se priključim, pošto je vrijeme prihvatljivo za mene, pod uslovom da ne traje duže od sat vremena.
Dobrodošla Boginjo!
Obično traje oko sat do sat-i-po u zavisnosti od pitanja prisutnih. Evo kraće introdukcije o predavaču:
Lindsay Rutter
Developer and Platform Evangelism
Microsoft Corporation
How many Microsoft presenters can claim they were “locked in” at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with Mira Sorvino? Lindsay, for one. It’s a story you’ll have to get straight from the source. She has also produced content for a high traffic television network site and the internet division of one of America's largest banks, where she helped to choose and implement a deployment tool for multiple data centers. Lindsay enjoys coding in C++, but admits that C# is quickly vying for her affections. She’s also proficient in Unix, Visual Studio 2005, OOD concepts, HTML/CSS, XML, Java, JavaScript, Perl, .NET, relational database concepts, and computer security and forensics tools including Autopsy and Encase 5.0. Lindsay graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, where she was part of a team that researched how to implement an Internet-capable computer lab in a school in N’Djili in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – an area that has no telephone services and receives electricity only three days per week. As a developer, Lindsay loves solving technical problems and formulating solutions that are precisely tailored to her clients’ needs.
Možda nije prerano da iznesem preliminarne naslove za naredne susrete i diskusije:
- What's New in SQL Server 2008 for Developers - Zain Naboulsi, Microsoft
- Major Developer Event 2009 - Multiple Presenters/Topics
- VUGs and Cloudism - Dan Wygant, Culuminis
- Coding4Fun: Building a video game with XNA Game Studio 3.0 - Brian Peek, Microsoft
- Live Mesh Presentation - predavač će biti naknadno određen
Do sada smo obrađivali sljedeće teme:
- Introduction to LINQ
- Introduction o Silverlight
- New Features in Visual Studio 2008
- Windows Communication Foundation Fundamentals
- Regular Expressions
- Developing Service Oriented Applications
- Design Patterns
- Programming for the Cloud with Microsoft Azure
Ne propustite.
Još jednom podsjećanje na Live-Meeting večeras/noćas u 1:30 AM!
1.30 AM: Developer Social
2.00 AM: Interactive Presentation
3.30 AM: Close
Click here to join:
RSVP and Details HERE:
Add event to outlook:
Get exact event date/time for your region by selecting your city:
TOPIC: Introduction to the ADO.NET Entity Framework
Abstraction in software development can improve flexibility, independence, and the ability to compose higher-level concepts. ADO.NET Entity Framework, now shipping as part of Visual Studio 2008 & .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1, helps you create models of your data that enable a familiar object-oriented programming experience. Entities map flexibly to data sources while providing insulation from schema changes at the same time. LINQ makes an appearance as well, using the familiar syntax we’ve seen with LINQ to Objects, SQL, and XML to query entities.
Lindsay Rutter
Developer and Platform Evangelism
Microsoft Corporation
Pripremite zvučnike i mikrofone.
Tutorial na temu instalacije LiveMeeting-a i uspostavljanja konekcije sa serverom: www.najdanovic.com/livemeeting
DATE: March 3rd @ 8 pm Eastern USA Time
TOPIC: What’s New in SQL Server 2008 for Developers
PRESENTER: Zain Naboulsi, Microsoft
RSVP and details here:
NB: *Information on downloadable slides, resource links, recordings, etc will only be updated with people who attend the live event.*
2 am CET (Montenegrin Time) on 4th of March, 2009
SQL Server 2008 adds numerous new capabilities for developers – from support for Spatial Data types to a storage mechanism for SQL BLOB data using the NTFS file system, and much, much more. The new release also delivers several improvements to development-related areas, from T-SQL to SQLCLR to XML. This presentation will provide a technical dive into the latest and greatest features you’ll find in SQL Server 2008, while offering insight into how to effectively apply them to your upcoming development projects.
Zain Naboulsi
Developer Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation
For over 14 years Zain has been teaching and consulting on the latest Microsoft technologies. He’s been a Microsoft Certified Trainer since 1995 and holds all major Microsoft certifications, plus credentials from Cisco, Checkpoint and CompTIA. He is the creator of Virtual World Evangelism (VWE) which is an effort to build communities in virtual places like Facebook, Second Life, and OpenSim. He is not only a proponent of the community aspect of virtual worlds but also is a supporter of the myriad business applications that these new mediums offer. Zain’s efforts have been featured by eWeek, Redmond Developer News, and many others. He has been interviewed by Forrester Research, ThinkBalm, UgoTrade, and Gartner for his work with virtual world communities. He is a frequent speaker at events in Second Life, Facebook, and other virtual worlds. and lectures world-wide to evangelize the future of this exciting new medium.
WHERE: Click on the link below to connect
You would need Live Meeting, an internet connection and speakers or a headset to join. We will enable TWO WAY conferencing during our social session 30 minutes before the start of the presentation allowing you to make verbal input and socialize with other developers around the globe, so having a microphone ready might come in handy. Also after the presentation ends - you will have an opportunity to either post or ask questions regarding the subject presented.
You can download the latest version of Live Meeting from here:
Tutorial showing how to download & install LiveMeeting and connect: www.najdanovic.com/livemeeting
Hope to see you there ...
Post any questions on topic below!
Važna napomena i promjena:
Link za uspostavljanje LiveMeeting sesije je od sada pa ubuduće: http://tinyurl.com/ago484
Onaj naveden gore je - pogrešan!
Mala reklama: snimak live meeting-a sa prethodnog predavanja postavljen je na Web sajt (kako bi vidjeli o čemu se radilo i kako sve to izgleda; osim prvog dijela - druženja u trajanju od 30 minuta - to je uklonjeno zbog ukupne veličine fajla):
Lokacija: http://www.najdanovic.com/lm
Za sljedeći live meeting (mali jubilej) - biće angažovano više prezentera i tema će biti proširena, ali javljam naknadno detalje...
e to sam tražio..može li se kako nabaviti i video od ostalih "okupljanja" za download?
Nažalost - ne može
Neke nijesmo uspjeli da zabilježimo, a što se drugih tiče - organizator je zahtijevao da se snimci ne stavljaju na raspolaganje javnosti, jer tako niko ne bi prisustvovao predavanjima, već bi svi čekali na snimak.
Sorry, a i ovo sam jedva iskukao - više zbog reklame ...
DATE: April 20th @ 6pm Eastern USA Time
TOPIC: Developing on Microsoft Windows 7
RSVP and details here:
NB: *Information on downloadable slides, resource links, recordings, etc will only be updated with people who attend the live event.*
* 10 am CET (Montenegrian Time) on 21st of April, 2009 *
3 pm USA Pacific Time
4 pm USA Mountain Time
5 pm USA Central Time
6 pm USA Eastern Time
* 10 PM GMT / UTC *
11 pm UK Time
12 am South Africa (* all times below are next day) April 21th
12 am Egypt
2 am Moscow
3.30 am India
7.00 am Japan
8.00 am Australian Capital Territory
Building applications that are easy to use, visually appealing, and offer high performance is a challenge that developers face every day. Innovative applications can greatly improve the user experience, empowering companies to differentiate their services and solutions. However, developers are increasingly asked to do more in less time, while also optimizing the power and performance requirements of their applications. The Windows 7 platform makes it easy for developers to create engaging, user-friendly applications by providing familiar tools and rich development features that allow them to take advantage of the latest PC capabilities. In this session we will explore the new Taskbar and Jump Lists, the Scenic Ribbon, file management with Libraries, and Windows Web Services among many other enhancements to the new operating system.
In this session we'll show you:
- New Features in Windows 7
- Use and create jump lists
- Scenic Ribbon API
- Use and create Libraries
- Windows Web Services API
- Additional enhancements that support development
WHERE: Click on the link below to connect
* http://tinyurl.com/ago484 *
You would need Live Meeting, an internet connection and speakers or a headset to join. We will enable TWO WAY conferencing during our social session 30 minutes before the start of the presentation allowing you to make verbal input and socialize with other developers around the globe, so having a microphone ready might come in handy. Also after the presentation ends - you will have an opportunity to either post or ask questions regarding the subject presented.
You can download the latest version of Live Meeting from here:
Post any questions on topic below!
Hope to see you there ...
Za one koje interesuje, a propustili su: www.najdanovic.com/lm (3 zadnja predavanja).
DATE: May 5th @ 8pm Eastern USA Time
TOPIC: VUGs and Cloudism
RSVP and details here:
NB: *Information on downloadable slides, resource links, recordings, etc will only be updated with people who attend the live event.*
* 2 am CET (ex-YU Time) on 6st of May, 2009 *
* 1 AM GMT / UTC (next day) *
Get exact time of the meeting, click on the link below and select your city:
"I started a LinkedIn group: 'Cloud Collaboration Virtual users Group' to help Users Group (UG) members to network and collaborate across UG-type boundaries: amongst IT Pros and dotNET Developers, including other types like Sql Server-ites and Sharepoint'ers. The idea being that using the Cloud to communicate enables an Agile yet fulfilling life with less cost and zero angst - well maybe on the latter. Tools we use include anything hosted "in the Cloud". Techniques used to create collaboration successfully are taken from the book of Agile, or as my friend Alan says, 'the Church of Agile' (showing the fervent attitude of this group). The entire idea is enabling members to drive to higher levels with ease and with help from across disciplines."
Target audience: Members from across disciplines such as IT Pros and dotNET Developers, including other types like Sql Server-ites and Sharepoint'ers. Members who are or wish to learn more about how to use the Cloud to enable themselves in all aspects of an Agile yet fulfilling life.
Dan Wygant
"Founder of HUNTUG.org, VSdotNetUG.org, HowToVS.NET in Huntsville, Alabama – 2000+ members
INeta Membership Manager for all VS.Net User Groups in Al, Ms, and La and Assistant VP of Membership
Founding Board of Director member for Culminis.org
Sr. S/W Consultant 22+ years.
After writing for Window NT Magazine, Editor Mark Smith helped Daniel found the HUntsville windows NT Users Group (HUNTUG) in May 1998. In early 2002 Daniel was chosen to participate in the IT Pro Advisory Council (now known as Cuminis.com) to help Microsoft build a support channel for IT Pro Users Groups such as HUNTUG. Visual Studio & INeta were born on April 10 2002, and in June 2002 Daniel started the Huntsville VS.Net Users Group. Daniel soon became the INETA Membership Mentor for Alabama UGs as well as sitting on the Board of Directors for Cuminis. After years of volunteering, Daniel is now Mentoring UGs in Al, Ms, and La as well as being the INETA Assistant Vice President of Membership Managers.
With the help of Culminis and INeta, HUNTUG has grown from 300 in 2002 to over 2000 members today. HUNTUG's goal has been to educate local techies on all the new MS technologies, without having to travel to a major city, without membership dues of any kind. Working with local User Groups, the IT Pro Advisory Council (now known as Culminis.com), and Microsoft’s Windows Server team lead to Daniel's MVP award for Windows Server Customer Experience"
WHERE: Click on the link below to connect
* http://tinyurl.com/ago484 *
You would need Live Meeting, an internet connection and speakers or a headset to join. We will enable TWO WAY conferencing during our social session 30 minutes before the start of the presentation allowing you to make verbal input and socialize with other developers around the globe, so having a microphone ready might come in handy. Also after the presentation ends - you will have an opportunity to either post or ask questions regarding the subject presented.
You can download the latest version of Live Meeting from here:
Post any questions on topic below!
Hope to see you there ...
Pardon, ne večeras/noćas - već sutra uveče: 6. Maja u 2 AM.
Oprostite zbog greške.
LINDUG: Stephen Toub on the .NET Parallel Extentions
Starts: Thursday May 07, 2009 at 12:00pm PST (9 PM po našem vremenu)
Ends: Thursday May 07, 2009 at 1:30pm
Website: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/micro...=PN6.%3CQ%5Drb
Industry: computer software
Keywords: Many Core, C#, Parallel Computing
Intended For: Anyone who is interested in parallelism in .NET
Organization: LidNug (Linked .NET Users Group)
Stephen Toub is a Senior Program Manager on the Parallel Computing Platform team at Microsoft. He is also a Contributing Editor for MSDN Magazine.
Stephen’s blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/toub/
LiveMeeting address: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/micro...=PN6.%3CQ%5Drb
How-to: Join a LiveMeeting http://office.microsoft.com/en-au/li...308521033.aspx
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