i da, quantum tunneling je dobra stvar, ali quantum teleportation je jos bolja, yamisli moci ces da se teleportujes, vauuuuuuuuuuuuuuA samo se vi svi yajebavajte sa mnom. Ja sam glup. I ynam da sam glup. To mi nije nepoynato. A ovi sto su me hakovali sa CDM, oprastam im. Prastanje je najvrijednija ljudska osobina. Samo mi iyadjite iy kompjutera, ne mogu porno filmove da gledam ybog vas...
Paralelni svijetovi,
Quantum tunneling: This is the phenomenon where particles can pass through seemingly impenetrable barriers. This is because particles can also behave like waves, and waves can pass through gaps that are smaller than their wavelength.
Quantum entanglement: This is the phenomenon where two particles are linked together in such a way that they share the same fate, no matter how far apart they are. This is because the particles share a common wave function, which describes their probability of being in a certain state.
The uncertainty principle: This is the principle that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with perfect accuracy. This is because the act of measuring one property of a particle affects the other property.
The wave-particle duality: This is the principle that all matter and energy can behave like both waves and particles. This is one of the most fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics and it is very difficult to reconcile with our everyday experience.
The collapse of the wave function: This is the phenomenon that occurs when a quantum system is observed. When a quantum system is observed, its wave function collapses and it takes on a definite state. This is a very mysterious process and it is not fully understood.
i sto velis, sve moye da se objasni
a vjerujem da moye...
mi smo prepametni...i ynamo kako partikli se ponasaju kao talasi, i yasto je to tako.
Dobro, to ynamo, jer imamo Vaj Faj konekciju. A da pitas danas 99,999999 odsto ljudi da napravi uredjaj ya WiFi, ne bi ynalo
sad da vratis i najpametnijeg covjeka i fiyicara unayad 500 godina u vrijeme i kayes mu da napravi struju, ne bi ynao. eto.
iyvinite ne radi mi y slovo