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Thread: Globalne promjene i svijet sutrašnjice

  1. #876
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    Da, Iran je prijetnja. Koliko mozak mora biti ispran?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Geralt of Rivia View Post
    hahaha..Da ne vjerujes.

    Prodane francuske duse, sta reci..

  4. #879
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    Napad na šiitske pobunjenike, otvorena vojna intervencija u susjednoj državi...
    Filigranski izvedena provokacija i podsticaj Iranu, takva provokacija da i on uradi isto sa sunitskim pobunjenicima u Iraku.

    Počeo novi rat na Bliskom istoku, sukob koji će zapaliti regiju Zaljeva: Saudijska Arabija s još 9 zemalja napala Jemen, SAD stali uz agresora - vojni zrakoplovi udaraju na glavni grad, 150,000 vojnika sprema se za prelazak granice

    I to sve dok Kuba najavljuje zatopljenje odnosa sa arhetipskim neprijateljem SAD-om, Kina i Mijanmar su na ivici rata...
    Zelim vam samo jedno, a to su dvije stvari: "rad, red i disciplinu".

  7. #882
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    Ni zrna istine u Harrisovoj "kritici". Ne razumijem fascinaciju tim čovjekom.

  8. #883
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    Malo zapanjujuće istine za "EU njemačke standarde".....
    U prevodu; Hoćeš jeftino? Kolko platiš- tolko i letiš!

    U Düsseldorfu i Stutgartu piloti štrajkuju već danima (neće ljudi da lete na ovim mašinama), a ovaj što se stropoštao je stajao dva dana na aerodromu zbog "tehničkog problema".....

    Pa i neki Grk Onazis je se jednom obogatio na tim "mrtvačkim linijama". Što bi to prestalo???

    Od sad ubacujem brojanicu na listu "ručnog prtljaga"....... Safety first!
    Zelim vam samo jedno, a to su dvije stvari: "rad, red i disciplinu".

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    Je li ovo u Jemenu klasicna agresija, a demokrate cute ni glasa ?

  10. #885
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    Arabija usla u rat a nesto ne pametim da je ta drzava idje ratovala evo 1400 godina.

    Volio bih da cujem misljenje Mabusa povodom ovog slucaja.

    Tapatalk - 5s Jailbreak 8.1

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    Samo još jedno vještačko defibriliranje kalifata monarhističkog tipa, poturanje pohlepe i dominacije muslimana nad muslimanima, ili još jedan u nizu zločina protiv mira(agresija)... potpuno svejedno kako to nazvali, sve je to u navodnu, tj. "logičku" svrhu demontaže nekada sovjetske sfere hladnoratovskog uticaja. Malo mi je čudno Egipatsko prestrojavanje... ali avaj, znaj ga više što čine oni koji se tu niđe ne pominju, a rukopis svoj svuđe ostavljaju.
    Zelim vam samo jedno, a to su dvije stvari: "rad, red i disciplinu".

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    Vjerski motivi stoje iza Egipta, nema veze koja je godina.

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    Kapiram ja 14 vijekova raskola među njima, ali DANAS vjerski motivi stoje striktno iza BESPLATNOG topovskog mesa, i posljedično iza nekolicine onih koji se brane.
    I iza nikoga više!

    Last edited by Xerxes; 26-03-15 at 22:02.
    Zelim vam samo jedno, a to su dvije stvari: "rad, red i disciplinu".

  14. #889
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    Ide reputacija za ovu sliku

  15. #890
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    Mislio sam na Egipat, ostali uz vjeru imaju i poneke interese.

    Zanimljivije mi je kako niko da se oglasi da je Jemen napadnut od susjedne drzave, a Ukraina nije, a oni po cijeli dan u glas kako Rusija okupira Ukrajinu.

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    Quote Originally Posted by opmne View Post
    Zanimljivije mi je kako niko da se oglasi da je Jemen napadnut od susjedne drzave, a Ukraina nije, a oni po cijeli dan u glas kako Rusija okupira Ukrajinu.
    "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal then оthers"
    Last edited by Geralt of Rivia; 27-03-15 at 20:05.

  17. #892
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    Sve je stvar percepcije mediokriteta koju na kraju konca kroje mediji... ili je bolje reći NAJJAČI GLAS!

    - U suštini, ovaj je napad je sve osim terorizma :stupid: . Iako ne može biti ništa drugo!
    - Zašto?
    - Zato što su - recimo, u Srbiji za vrijeme Osmanlija hajduci bili teroristi. Kasnije ih je Bizmark jopet prozvao Srbija. Pa su Partizani bili teroristi, pa ih se prozvalo Jugoslavija, a onda je došao Solana pa ponovo napravio Srbiju i ostale... a i koja to država nije nastala terorizmom? Uostalom, zar se nije na hrišćane tako gledalo prije nego je rim postao Hrišćanska civilizacija? Sve je stvar percepcije!

    Iako nas mediji možda uče da terorizam je terorizam samo onda kada je dio političkog kriminala-otpadništva, koji čim izraste u politički faktor, prestaje biti terorizam i postaje agresivna politika ili nešta slično... Je li ikada ko čuo kad za terorističku grupu koja ima pola države pod svojom kontrolom i diplmatsko-političke predstavnike priznate od većina uticajnih sila? Naravno da ne!

    A kada se izađe iz CNN lobotomije onda se kao na dlanu jasno vidi da je svaki rat ustvari čisti terorizam (jer bez zastrašivanja "svrstanog i nesvrstanog faktora" nema ni jednog vida borbe)!

    U suštini Imamo tri vrste političkog kriminala kroz nasilje, terorizam (napad na sve, odnosno na nedužne), subverzija (napad na resurse, planove, privredu...) i dverzija (napad na poluge moći)... Osim ako se ne svrsta pod odmazdu. E odmazda - pošto je pravno legalna, poništava terorizam. ŠIZOFRENIJAAAAA

    Ono što mamo u Siriji, Iraku, jednostavno je mutiralo i daleko je više od bilo kakvog terorizma... U Egiptu takođe. Ma ni Hamas više nije teroristička grupacija, jer ne širi strah kao vid političke promocije svojih ciljeva, već ima cijeli narod i državu ko ciljnu grupu protiv koje se otvoreno bori. Da bi nešto bio terorizam, mora da bude odvojen od populacije koju zastupa (ISIL ili kako se već sve zovu one islamističke internacionale koje zastupaju ogromnu populaciju) i prijamčen jednoj ideji i frakciji! Kakvu ideju i frakciju pola Sirije sa svojim stanovništvom predstavlja? Pa nije to ni frakcija ni pokret, to je ogromna populacija koja ima tu svoju vojsku i podržava njene vodilje...
    Zelim vam samo jedno, a to su dvije stvari: "rad, red i disciplinu".

  18. #893
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geralt of Rivia View Post
    "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal then оthers"

    To vide i potpuni slijepci, samo sto svi to ne nazovemo pravim imenom, tacno mi zao nekih sto se svakodnevno ubijaju od izmisljanja i objasnjavanja raznih uglavnom demokratskih razloga koji su kao neki uzrok tome. Samo u ovako ociglednim situacijama muk, pa se valjda ja mogu nevjesto interesovati za objasnjenje.
    Last edited by opmne; 28-03-15 at 14:25.

  19. #894
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    Danas ispred načina korača razlog, kao što je nekad ispred čekića srp išao... a istorisjko klatno je neumoljivo.
    Zelim vam samo jedno, a to su dvije stvari: "rad, red i disciplinu".

  20. #895
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    Kada nafta i još po nešto zaškripi, a oni po komšijskom domaćinstvu... da odobrovolje neprijatelje svojih novonapadnutih neprijatelja da im saveznici postanu, al CVRC...

    Riječ je o Jemenu, iako je izvor njihovih problema daleko izvan njih! Možda mnogima djeluje da Huti kontrolišu malo snaga u odnosu na one koje podržava Saudijska Arabija, međutim, stvari izgledaju potpuno drugačije kada se sagleda nešto šira slika. Huti kontrolišu najnaseljeni dio Jemena, imaju za sada svu dostupnu pomoć od strane Irana, i Saudijska Arabija se plaši da Iran ne stvori nekoliko divizija po kalupu libanskog i iračkog Hezbolaha što bi dugoročno utvrdilo Iran u Jemenu. I oni tu poslije slabo da bi što mogli, osim skupog održavanja novog žarišta i vječitog natezanja, do sada potvrđeno - NEVIĐENO ISPLATIVOG!

    Ako bi postojao kraj ovakvog ludila, ono je i više nego evidentno da Iran u svakom slučaju izlazi kao pobjednik iz ovog sukoba, jer ako sukob eskalira kopnenom intervencijom Saudijske Arabije cijena nafte će drastično da skoči, sa druge strane Saudijska Arabija za sada želi da ide mekšom varijantom to jest da zaustavi Hute da napreduju dalje na Istok zemlje. Dalja situacija je izuzetno nijansirana sivom. Suštinski, Huti sadejstvuju sa zbačenim socijalističkim režimom i Republikanska garda Jemena je uz Hute... i zbog zbog takve saradnje i neprijateljstava Iran je protiv arapskih socijalista u Iraku podržavaoca Sadama, a podržava ih u Siriji zbog dugogodišnje saradnje i vrhunskog interesa, a takođe i sličnu idelošku platformu koja je sada podržava u savezu sa Hutima jer im je u interesu u ratu protiv Saudijske Arabije.

    "Politika je skoncentrisani izraz ekonomskih interesa, sve ostalo je podložno promjeni."

    Pored interesa, tamo ima mnogo suprotstavljene ideologije, jer "žuti"- "južni pokret" imaju zajednički interes u stvaranju Južnog Jemena, ali i u potpuno suprotstavljenu ideologiju sa "crnim" i "crvenim"... još jednom plastičan primjer onoga što se zove ISPLATIV RAT(za strance)!!!
    Zelim vam samo jedno, a to su dvije stvari: "rad, red i disciplinu".

  21. #896
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    Putin Wins France’s Election

    Pro-Russian parties of the right did well in the weekend’s municipal vote.


    March 30, 2015 3:48 p.m. ET3 COMMENTS

    Vladimir Putin did just fine in France’s nationwide local elections, which concluded with a second and final round of voting on Sunday. Right-wing and far-right parties with leaders who cozy up to or embrace the Russian president got a combined 54.6% of vote in the most representative aspect of the two-phase balloting.
    The Gaullist conservatives of former President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has described as “a tragedy” the “separation between Europe and Russia” and regards Russia under Mr. Putin as France’s natural “partner,” won 29.4% in the first round, the wider sample of the two. Overall, the party had the best score in an election that delivered further deep losses for the Socialist government.
    Marine Le Pen’s extremist National Front won 25.2% of the first-round vote on March 22, and 22.2% of the smaller voter turnout in the second. She gushes over the Russian leader as a “patriot” while her party asserts France must leave NATO’s unified command and calls for a French strategic alliance with Russia based on a “military and energy partnership.”
    What this says most certainly is that Mr. Sarkozy and Ms. Le Pen—as two nonallied elements of what has become France’s three-cornered party system, with the Socialists—see Mr. Putin’s authoritarian, “anti-decadence” persona as a plus in cementing the idea that France itself is dangerously short of forceful leadership.
    A more dramatic description of the circumstances came earlier this month in an article in Le Monde by six French anti-Putin intellectuals and political scientists. They proclaimed, “The French right has become Putin’s agent of influence.”
    A practical caution: There is no specific measure, so far, of French voting sentiment (or voters’ indifference or ignorance) in relation to Mr. Putin’s annexation of Crimea or the entry of Russian troops into eastern Ukraine.
    But take into account a contributing factor in the current circumstances: the recognition as a given by the French political class of America’s geopolitical weakness, as demonstrated by the Obama administration’s flailing in the Ukraine and Middle East. This is an element that allows rationalizing great caution in standing up to Russia, or—for Ms. Le Pen, Mr. Sarkozy and others—taking the Kremlin’s side.
    “The Kremlin’s strikes were aimed at showing American weakness to the Europeans and pointing the way to Russian domination,” the anti-Putin intellectuals’ article said. “The French right—and a part of the left—fell straight into the basket.”
    French concerns about American willingness to use its military power, centering on considerable mistrust within the Socialist government about Barack Obama’s resolve, can only have accelerated the right’s pro-Putin course. The government considers as an enormous strategic error Mr. Obama’s 11th-hour fade on bombing Syria in August 2013, after he said Damascus had crossed a red line by using chemical weapons.
    Both President François Hollande and Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian maintain that if U.S. strikes with French participation had taken place, the growth of Islamic State would not have occurred in its present proportions. This view of the Obama administration’s dubious combativeness—a judgment that does not lack for legitimacy—serves as a factual backdrop for Mr. Sarkozy and Ms. Le Pen’s pro-Putinism.
    How telling (and opportunistic) that Mr. Sarkozy, once called “Sarko l’Americain” by French adversaries, should wind up there. He courted Mr. Obama in the initial phases of Mr. Obama’s presidency, got no warmth or consideration in return (a common complaint among European leaders), and wound up telling me and another American reporter at a reception that “Obama is a cold fish.”
    Mr. Sarkozy blinked early in relation to Moscow. Serving as the European Union’s mediator after Russia’s invasion of Georgia in 2008, he neglected to punish Russia for its quasiannexation of two Georgian provinces. His sale of Mistral assault vessels to the Russian navy followed in 2011, and when Mr. Hollande suspended their delivery last year, Mr. Sarkozy said his successor was under U.S. orders.
    In tactical terms, Mr. Sarkozy is de-Americanizing himself and strumming nationalist chords before plunging ahead toward another shot at the presidency in 2017.
    As for Ms. Le Pen, now that she has enjoyed a semblance of success in detoxifying the National Front of its reputation for both general bigotry and anti-Semitism, her pro-Putin, anti-American, hard line signals to militants from her party’s hard core that National Front’s basic geopolitical instincts will continue as doctrine.
    In terms of France’s self-respect, the two leaders’ victorious positioning is embarrassing, even sickening. But maybe not permanent.
    A poll over the weekend reported that the policies of the three big parties “don’t inspire any spontaneous enthusiasm” among the electorate. And Mr. Sarkozy has heard firm opposition to his softness on Mr. Putin from a Gaullist grandee:
    “What’s happening must not remain without a response because we know Putin very well,” Alain Juppé, a former prime minister, foreign minister and currently a Sarkozy rival for the Gaullist presidential nomination, has said. “As long as [Mr. Putin] advances undamaged, he’ll continue to advance. So there’s going to come a moment when you have to say, stop.”
    How many hands will go up in agreement? There’s palpable tension in store for France (and Europe) before anyone knows for sure. French presidential elections take place roughly four months after Mr. Obama leaves office in January 2017.
    Mr. Vinocur is former executive editor of the International Herald Tribune.
    Priroda je lijepa, al' zajebano društvo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chucknorris View Post
    Putin Wins France’s Election

    Pro-Russian parties of the right did well in the weekend’s municipal vote.


    March 30, 2015 3:48 p.m. ET3 COMMENTS

    Vladimir Putin did just fine in France’s nationwide local elections, which concluded with a second and final round of voting on Sunday. Right-wing and far-right parties with leaders who cozy up to or embrace the Russian president got a combined 54.6% of vote in the most representative aspect of the two-phase balloting.
    The Gaullist conservatives of former President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has described as “a tragedy” the “separation between Europe and Russia” and regards Russia under Mr. Putin as France’s natural “partner,” won 29.4% in the first round, the wider sample of the two. Overall, the party had the best score in an election that delivered further deep losses for the Socialist government.
    Marine Le Pen’s extremist National Front won 25.2% of the first-round vote on March 22, and 22.2% of the smaller voter turnout in the second. She gushes over the Russian leader as a “patriot” while her party asserts France must leave NATO’s unified command and calls for a French strategic alliance with Russia based on a “military and energy partnership.”
    What this says most certainly is that Mr. Sarkozy and Ms. Le Pen—as two nonallied elements of what has become France’s three-cornered party system, with the Socialists—see Mr. Putin’s authoritarian, “anti-decadence” persona as a plus in cementing the idea that France itself is dangerously short of forceful leadership.
    A more dramatic description of the circumstances came earlier this month in an article in Le Monde by six French anti-Putin intellectuals and political scientists. They proclaimed, “The French right has become Putin’s agent of influence.”
    A practical caution: There is no specific measure, so far, of French voting sentiment (or voters’ indifference or ignorance) in relation to Mr. Putin’s annexation of Crimea or the entry of Russian troops into eastern Ukraine.
    But take into account a contributing factor in the current circumstances: the recognition as a given by the French political class of America’s geopolitical weakness, as demonstrated by the Obama administration’s flailing in the Ukraine and Middle East. This is an element that allows rationalizing great caution in standing up to Russia, or—for Ms. Le Pen, Mr. Sarkozy and others—taking the Kremlin’s side.
    “The Kremlin’s strikes were aimed at showing American weakness to the Europeans and pointing the way to Russian domination,” the anti-Putin intellectuals’ article said. “The French right—and a part of the left—fell straight into the basket.”
    French concerns about American willingness to use its military power, centering on considerable mistrust within the Socialist government about Barack Obama’s resolve, can only have accelerated the right’s pro-Putin course. The government considers as an enormous strategic error Mr. Obama’s 11th-hour fade on bombing Syria in August 2013, after he said Damascus had crossed a red line by using chemical weapons.
    Both President François Hollande and Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian maintain that if U.S. strikes with French participation had taken place, the growth of Islamic State would not have occurred in its present proportions. This view of the Obama administration’s dubious combativeness—a judgment that does not lack for legitimacy—serves as a factual backdrop for Mr. Sarkozy and Ms. Le Pen’s pro-Putinism.
    How telling (and opportunistic) that Mr. Sarkozy, once called “Sarko l’Americain” by French adversaries, should wind up there. He courted Mr. Obama in the initial phases of Mr. Obama’s presidency, got no warmth or consideration in return (a common complaint among European leaders), and wound up telling me and another American reporter at a reception that “Obama is a cold fish.”
    Mr. Sarkozy blinked early in relation to Moscow. Serving as the European Union’s mediator after Russia’s invasion of Georgia in 2008, he neglected to punish Russia for its quasiannexation of two Georgian provinces. His sale of Mistral assault vessels to the Russian navy followed in 2011, and when Mr. Hollande suspended their delivery last year, Mr. Sarkozy said his successor was under U.S. orders.
    In tactical terms, Mr. Sarkozy is de-Americanizing himself and strumming nationalist chords before plunging ahead toward another shot at the presidency in 2017.
    As for Ms. Le Pen, now that she has enjoyed a semblance of success in detoxifying the National Front of its reputation for both general bigotry and anti-Semitism, her pro-Putin, anti-American, hard line signals to militants from her party’s hard core that National Front’s basic geopolitical instincts will continue as doctrine.
    In terms of France’s self-respect, the two leaders’ victorious positioning is embarrassing, even sickening. But maybe not permanent.
    A poll over the weekend reported that the policies of the three big parties “don’t inspire any spontaneous enthusiasm” among the electorate. And Mr. Sarkozy has heard firm opposition to his softness on Mr. Putin from a Gaullist grandee:
    “What’s happening must not remain without a response because we know Putin very well,” Alain Juppé, a former prime minister, foreign minister and currently a Sarkozy rival for the Gaullist presidential nomination, has said. “As long as [Mr. Putin] advances undamaged, he’ll continue to advance. So there’s going to come a moment when you have to say, stop.”
    How many hands will go up in agreement? There’s palpable tension in store for France (and Europe) before anyone knows for sure. French presidential elections take place roughly four months after Mr. Obama leaves office in January 2017.
    Mr. Vinocur is former executive editor of the International Herald Tribune.
    Koliko se sjecam Sarkozi nije bio pro-Ruski covjek dok je bio na celo Francuske, cak se zalagao i ucestvovao u ratu sa Libijom, uz strogo protivljenje Rusije, tako da mi je ovakav njegov zaokret u politici veoma sumljiv i ne znam koliko mu se moze vjerovati.
    Francuska je velika zemlja i posle Njemacke najuticajnija u EU, tako da nesto ne vjerujem da ce je Amerika ispustiti iz vida i mislim koji god covjek da se pojavi na celu Francuske, bice pod kontrolom Amerike i NATO-a.

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    Ovome nije potrebna analiza...

    Zelim vam samo jedno, a to su dvije stvari: "rad, red i disciplinu".

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